Having your own stand to sell your products is such a beneficial thing. You can have it in your own yard or area so that you don’t need to pay for the rent. You can do it by building a roadside farm stand. It won’t be difficult to build a stand to display your products. You don’t need to have the big one since the small one is already enough. If you don’t have any budget, you can even build it yourself. Don’t be confused because you can even simply use a table and then add it with a big umbrella as the sunshade. With that, you can directly sell your products and get the money for yourself.
Talking about building the roadside farm stand, besides the function, you should also consider the aesthetic side of the decoration. We can’t deny the fact that customers love something pleasing to their eyes first before the products. That is why, you should make the stand to be as attractive as possible for the customers. Even when the decoration is simple, you should be able to add a bit of stand-out things there such as by adding a pop of colors, adding some ornaments, and any other decoration items. But, be careful because you can’t make the stand to be too crowded with the existence of the additional decoration that you apply. Remember that the stand won’t be too big and spacious so you should adjust everything you want to apply there.
The Sunshade
No matter what design you have for your roadside farm stand, the sunshade will always be the first important thing that you should consider. Why? It is because the sunshade will be the first protection for the products that you sell from the weather. The sunshades can be varied. You can have it in the form of a roof with varied materials or you can simply have the umbrella. For the umbrella, even when won’t have as much protection as the roof, it is a flexible one since you can fold it.

This roadside farm stand has a roof in galvalume material. This kind of roof won’t be expensive as you can install it yourself. The galvalume can give enough protection for your products. Roofing from @peoplesperch

This one is an example of an umbrella sunshade. It can be provided for the small roadside farm stand design. Then, it will also be proper for the products that won’t be damaged by the weather such as the sunshine during summer. Umbrella from @brownbrookfarm
The Sign
The sign is important so that people can recognize your roadside farm stand. They will also know that your stand is selling products and people can come to buy without any doubt. The sign can be in varied designs as you can put it near the road or you can install it on the part of the stand. No matter what design you choose, you should think of its efficiency and effectiveness so that the purpose of the sign can be reached.

The sign is hung on the part of the stand. The size is adjusted based on the stand size. If you see, there are also colors applied on the sign to make it stand out and attract people’s attention. Hanging Sign from @vtmillennialhomesteaders

This one is the standing sign that is placed on the side of the road. It has a high possibility for the sign to be recognized and people will know that there is a stand near the road. Standing Sign from @eighthandsfarmandbeeco
The Tablespace/Storage
To display your products, you will surely need the tablespace or storage. You have to provide the proper ones based on the products you want to display. It might be different from one to another. For example, if you want to sell vegetables, you will need a clean and protected space to maintain the freshness of the vegetables. Otherwise, if you want to sell plants such as herbs, what you need to provide is a table or rack that can be wide enough for the pots.

This stand has a multilevel tablespace. It is functional so that you can store many products to sell there without using too much space in the area. It is then protected with a roof and wall so that the vegetables and flowers won’t wither easily. Multilevel Table from @travelingrootsfarmstead

It is interesting how the stand can have a chiller. This one is such a great idea so that you can make the vegetables fresh longer. Also, you can sell cold water which is the best idea to sell on the roadside. Chiller Box from @brownbrookfarm
The Basket/Bowl/Jar
You will need the basket, bowl, or jar to store your products before you put them on the tablespace. That will make it easier to divide the products. Also, you will make the decoration look well-arranged and clean. Anyway, each product will need different kinds of baskets/bowls/jars. You can adjust it based on the size and shape of the products. Or, you may also consider the aesthetic side to beautify the decoration of your stand.

There are some different kinds of baskets provided here. The size and the shape are varied. Even the material is also varied. Everything is really adjusted with the need of the products. Baskets, Bowl, and Jar from @tenfoldfarmstand

Here, the seller uses jars to store their products. It means that the products are not too big and need closed storage to keep the products fresh and protected. There are also some products in the paper pack package. You can have it to store your natural soap products. Jars and Paper Pack from @sprucelaneacres
The Additional Decoration
Even when it is not the main thing to provide additional decoration is important to attract the customer to come. When you have an impressive stand decor, then people will also have their interest to come. You don’t need to have too much effort for this. Just provide simple things but can bring an effective impact. For example, you can have a garland or wreath. We recommend you choose a bright and striking color to let people interested to come

This roadside farm stand uses red colors as the striking color which comes in the form of tassels. There is also a red wreath and warm color garland so as not to make the decoration be seen as too much. Additional Decor Idea from @findingfreshbainbridge
The label is used to give clear information about the product. You can mention the name of the product and the price. Or, it will be better if you give additional information about the characteristics of the products. Let’s say that you mention the products are organic and natural. Here are the choices of the label that you can take.

The label is made to be detailed. It comes in small labels that are placed near each of the products. If you love something detail and want to share detail information about your products, this one is the best choice for you. Detail Label from @meadowfallfarm

The label mentions the information globally. All of the information is mentioned on big boards so that the customer doesn’t need to look for the information by looking at each kind of product. They just need to see all of the information in one board. Global Label from @brandt_acres