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How to Incorporate Nutcracker to Your Decoration

The nutcracker won’t be only a nutcracker. It can be an interesting addition to your home decoration especially during Christmas. You can even have the figure of the nutcracker in different sizes that are presented to be the ornament. Anyway, the interesting thing about the nutcracker is its appearance. Commonly, it has a pretty red, green, and gold color collaboration which fits well with the Christmas color. Even more, the nutcracker is not only interesting but also regal with all of the appearance details. That is why it will be familiar for us to find the nutcracker around the Christmas decorations.

Another interesting thing about the nutcracker is its ability to be suitable for indoor and outdoor use. You can even make it as a Christmas gift if you don’t know what you will have for the gift. The material of the nutcracker will also be varied, in this case is for the nutcracker that is intended to be the ornament and not the real nutcracker. With its varied material, you can get a wider possibility to have one based on your budget.

As we have mentioned before the nutcracker will be possible to be used to decorate both indoor and outdoor decoration. Now we want to show you some of the possible nutcracker placements for your decoration needs.

Outdoor Placement

There are some points that you should consider in placing the nutcracker outside the house. The first thing that you should consider is its safety from the wind. We recommend you place it in a protected area from the wind to avoid the nutcracker from falling. Then, it will be better if you can place the nutcracker in a position that won’t be exposed to the rain or too strong sunlight.

This one is the best choice that won't be falling even when the big wind blows.

This one is the best choice that won’t be falling even when the big wind blows. You don’t need to worry about the nutcracker being broken because it falls. It is also protected since it sticks to the wall near the door area. Fabric Nutcracker from @feelhomemome

This one is a kind of nutcracker ornament that you should consider related to the placement.

This one is a kind of nutcracker ornament that you should consider related to the placement. It is better for you to move it inside when the big wind blows. Anyway, this nutcracker has its best location because it is protected from the rain and sunlight since it is placed under the roof on the porch. Big Nutcracker Statue from @frozenchristmastt

It can be the on-budget choice for the nutcracker because this wooden nutcracker is in pallet form and not the big statue form.

It can be the on-budget choice for the nutcracker because this wooden nutcracker is in pallet form and not the big statue form. It can be attached to the pots with varied additional Christmas ornaments. Wooden Nutcracker from @theseasonalhome

If you want the cute one, you can have this pink nutcracker.

If you want the cute one, you can have this pink nutcracker. It won’t be regal but it will be pretty and impressive for the kids. You can even match it with the door color and the whole Christmas decoration theme just like what we have here. Pink Nutcracker from @artificial_hannah

It is interesting how the nutcracker can be incorporated into the wreath and successfully create beauty in the outdoor decoration.

Look at how unique the nutcracker wreath can be. It is interesting how the nutcracker can be incorporated into the wreath and successfully create beauty in the outdoor decoration. Nutcracker Door Wreath from @babamwreaths

Indoor Placement

For the indoor placement, you don’t need to worry about all of the natural aspects such as wind, sun, or rain. You just have to consider your kids in case you have it is such a big statue. The size of the indoor nutcracker ornament will be varied. Even for the indoors, people commonly choose to have the small ones that are used to decorate the coffee table, fireplace, kitchen island, etc. Here are the ideas for the indoor nutcracker decoration.

Not only for outdoors, you can have a big nutcracker statue for your indoors.

Not only for outdoors, you can have a big nutcracker statue for your indoors. Look at how adorable and regal this nutcracker statue is with the addition of the lighting installed on the nutcracker body parts. However, be careful with the kids not to play around the statue. Indoor Nutcracker Statue from @theoutsidelivingroom

Your kids will love these small nutcracker statues! The color is pink that will be cute.

Your kids will love these small nutcracker statues! The color is pink that will be cute. Even when look the same, these three nutcracker statues have different details. You can use it to decorate the table. Small Nutcracker Statues from @111haus

Even when small this nutcracker ornament can have such a big impact with its festive gold color. Not only festive, but this nutcracker also looks expensive and regal. It is such a great balance. Gold Nutracker Ornament from @homestead.interiors

This one is really unique! The nutcracker comes in the form of plate decoration which is also functioned to store cutlery.

This one is really unique! The nutcracker comes in the form of plate decoration which is also functioned to store cutlery. It is such a smart idea and great as it has multi-function. Nutcracker Plate Decoration from @childhoodinteriorsbygemma

You can see how the nutcracker can be such a great addition to the fireplace. It comes in the form of statues that can be provided more than one to make the fireplace well decorated easily. Nutcracker Fireplace Decoration from @katiapiccolo___

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