Garden and LandscapingHome Improvement

Houseplant Choices You Can Take for a Better Home Atmosphere

For the best home decoration version, you won’t only need furniture or ornaments but also greenery. It is amazing how the greenery can create such a better home atmosphere for your joy and peaceful feeling while in the house. Well, there are some different plants that you can have to complete your home decoration but mostly, we recognize it as the houseplant.

Just like its name, the houseplants are the plants that are aiming to be put inside the house. It is important to divide the kinds of plants because not all plants can be placed indoors. Even when the choice is not as wide as the outdoor plants, you don’t need to worry because the amount of houseplants still really varies as you can choose some different characteristics, colors, and impressions.

Here are some different kinds of houseplants that you can have to complete your home decoration as an effort to have a better home atmosphere.

Jade Plant

In a small pot, the jade plant can grow lush and look healthy. It has small foliage which is cute.

In a small pot, the jade plant can grow lush and look healthy. It has small foliage which is cute. You can put the pots with jade plants on the table, window, or kitchen island. Jade Plant from @hnlflora

Calamondin Orange

Look at how the calamondin orange can really bright the room. It can also bring a fresh atmosphere into your house.

Look at how the calamondin orange can really brighten the room. It can also bring a fresh atmosphere into your house. You can’t imagine how a small tree can produce fruits indoors. Calamondin Orange from @grow.jor


No one can refuse the beauty of the succulent. Not only pretty but it also need a low maintenance only.

No one can refuse the beauty of the succulent. Not only pretty but it also needs low maintenance only so that it will be really possible to grow no matter how busy you are. A group of succulents with varied plant types is the best one. Succulents from @uniquelychic


Putting the orchid to the valuable area in the house is the great choice to harmonize its impression.

The beauty of the orchid can’t be doubted anymore. There are so many colors and patterns of the orchid and this white orchid with purple spot is an aesthetic choice. Putting the orchid in a valuable area in the house is a great choice to harmonize its impression. Orchid from @amyurbach

Snake Plant

Having the snake plant on a high pot is a great choice. It can maximize its performance.

Having the snake plant on a high pot is a great choice. It can maximize its performance because the snake plant has a length size. You can put this plant in the corner of the room or beside the console table that you have. Snake Plant from @ilovecactus_


The uniqueness of the monstera is in the foliage. It looks great when planted in a high pot like this.

The uniqueness of the monstera is in the foliage. It looks great when planted in a high pot like this. It looks more luxurious so that you can increase the value of your house maximally. Monstera from @green.yours


If you have a philodendron and its already grown in vines, then having it with a high pot holder can also be a great choice.

If you have a philodendron and it’s already grown in vines, then having it with a high pot holder can also be a great choice. Well, you can also hang it for sure, but this one can be a unique choice. Philodendron from @georgialaurette


Pothos can be hung or being a vines like this.

Pothos can be hung or set as vines like this. In case you want to expose the beauty of the aesthetic items being used for the propagation, then you can copy this idea. Pothos from @flowerlovers2022

I do believe that most of the plants are already familiar to you. What you need to do is finding the best plants based on your home space condition and find the ones that fit your capability in doing the maintenance.

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