
Things You Should Have for a Proper Butterfly Garden

Making your garden more alive can’t be done by using only varied plants. You should also present the living things such as animals there. Well, having the water feature with its calming and refreshing sound is great for sure but letting the animals enjoy the garden with you is another level of happiness. Talking about animals, we may already be familiar with the birds, but what about having the butterflies and creating a butterfly garden in your outdoor space?

Butterflies won’t only talk about the animal but about the beauty. There are varied kinds of butterflies with their different patterns and colors that will beautify your garden. The beauty of the butterflies can also increase your mood and your kids will love it too. Now, the question is, how can we create a butterfly garden? How can we invite the butterflies to come to our garden?

Well, there are some things that you can do to make the butterflies come to your garden, which we will talk about below.

Kinds of Flower

It can be said that flowers are the first main thing you should consider when creating a butterfly garden. You should make sure that you choose the right flowers that the butterflies love rather than the ones that only talk about the aesthetic side. Here are the recommended flowers that you can grow for your butterfly garden.


This one is a pink to purple milkweed color. There are still other colors but having this one is really recommended.

This one is a pink to purple milkweed color. There are still other colors but having this one is really recommended. The color will attract the butterflies besides making your garden look more attractive and impressive. Milkweed from @alison.f.berry


This flower is really common to exist in the garden. It is also easy to grow and needs low maintenance only.

This flower is really common to exist in the garden. It is also easy to grow and needs low maintenance only. With all those benefits, it is great to know that the butterflies love zinnias so much. Grow them in your garden is a must. Zinnia from @nature.with.b


Not only pretty, the lavender can also produce a great fragrance that will add a good ambiance to your garden.

Not only pretty, the lavender can also produce a great fragrance that will add a good ambiance to your garden. Then, another interesting fact is that the lavender is loved by the butterflies. There won’t be any other beneficial flowers than lavender. Lavender from @wrkout_grl

Cone Flower

Since the butterflies love the coneflower, it is really interesting to have the coneflower in your garden so that you can get double benefits in its beauty and function.

Look at how unique the cone flower looks like. Since the butterflies love the coneflower, it is really interesting to have the coneflower in your garden so that you can get double benefits in its beauty and function. Coneflower from @kjmontalban0


The Pentas is already known for its nectar and you can even enjoy it yourself.

The Pentas is already known for its nectar and you can even enjoy it yourself. That is why, there is no doubt that the butterflies love the Pentas more than humans. Go grow some of them in your garden. Pentas from @butterflygardeninginspirations

Butterfly Shelter

After the flowers, you can then provide the butterfly shelter. It can make the butterflies feel comfortable while they are around your garden. The shelter can also help you to keep the butterflies stay longer in your garden. In case the time for the butterflies to do the migration comes, the shelter will help the butterflies to rest before they continue their migration.

You can use the balcony to put the fruits or sweet water with sugar to serve the butterflies with a good serve.

Having a butterfly shelter with a balcony like this can be beneficial. You can use the balcony to put the fruits or sweet water with sugar to serve the butterflies with a good serve. Those serve will invite the butterflies to stay in your shelter. Butterfly Shelter with Balcony from @rainbow_fun_at_45

This butterfly shelter looks interesting since it has an apartment building style.

This butterfly shelter looks interesting since it has an apartment building style. There are some doors with different floors as if it is an apartment. This kind of butterfly shelter will let many butterflies stay there. Apartment Style Butterfly Shelter from @dunelmuk

In case you want to have a more impressive butterfly shelter, then you can have it.

In case you want to have a more impressive butterfly shelter, then you can have it. It has some accessories added there. Also, there are some flowers to help you invite the butterflies to come. Cute Butterfly Shelter from @rascals_and_rainbows

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