Basically, a barndominium house is a country home design that is added with barn design touches. It might be quite similar to the farmhouse design style but it is different. It is because of the barndominium characteristics that will be really special and make it able to be differentiated from the farmhouse style. However, it is true that there are some elements that are being used in barndominium houses which are the same as the farmhouse. The thing that will make it different is the application of the elements that will be made to have barn touches.
We recommend you to have the barndominium design for your house. It is because of the atmosphere that the barndominium house offer is really great. We all know that the country house design with the classic impression is adorable in bringing a nostalgic feeling into the house. Then, it is added with the barn touches for the rural living impression. This home design is such a great combination that will be able to bring a warm and welcoming atmosphere into the house. In case you want to have a slow living, the barndominium house is one of the home design styles that we recommend.
In creating a bardominium home, you should make the plans first. That will be functional so that everything can be made structurally without any miss. You will also get an ease in having an authentic one by making the plans well. Here are some aspects that you can provide to create a barndominium house.
Implementing a Gambrel Roof
The gambrel roof is the kind of roofing that is used for the barn. That is why when implementing the barndominium style to the house, we recommend you implement the gambrel roof for the authentic one. The roof can be the first impression for people when first looking at the house. It can be clearly identified that the style of the house is barndominium.

This barndominium house has an authentic red color which really represents the touch of barn style. Then, it is added with the white gambrel roof to strengthen the style impression. Red Barndominium House from @fbibuildings

The barndominium house won’t always look old. You can even have the pink color for the exterior. The gambrel roof makes the house still have the barndominium house style impression with the fit gambrel roof. Pink Barndominium House from @peppertreeliving
Creating an Open Concept Floor
When basically an open concept floor is used for a small home space for the space treatment not to be seen as narrow, for a barndominium house style, the open concept floor is used to create a more intimate ambiance inside the house. When some rooms are integrated into one room, you will always be able to see the whole family members doing their activities so that the feeling of intimacy and togetherness can always be created.

The house has one floor that is dedicated to some rooms. We can see that there is a living room, a dining room, a kitchen, and even a music corner. You can see each other while in the area except for the private room. Open Concept Floor from @barndominiumfarmhousefans
Providing Rustic Aesthetic Items
The country and barn design style presents rustic touches to their decoration. So, it will be recommended too for the barndominium house to have rustic touches. You can do it by providing some rustic items that could be anything. Let’s say that you can have it for the furniture, ornament, lighting, or even the interior parts such as the floor, wall, or ceiling.

The coffee table is made of natural old wood material that can characterize the rustic style. Then, it is added with the black old wheels to make it removable and to strengthen the rustic impression for sure. Rustic Coffee Table from @barndominiumfarmhousefans

The rustic impression is not only seen in the design but also in the color which is rusty. Even when it has an old impression, the design is really aesthetic and able to beautify the decoration well. Rustic Lamp from @barndominiumfarmhousefans
Using the Pole Barn
When the exterior can have an authentic barndominium style impression from the gambler roof, the interior has it from the pole barn which is installed for the ceiling, pillar, and any other indoor parts of the house. You can let it have its natural rustic impression or you can make it sleek and add colors on the pole barn to get the best impression that you want.

The pole barn is installed on the ceiling. The wood material has natural flaws that make it look aesthetic. You can see how the natural flaw won’t decrease the value of the house but surprisingly elevate the house value. Pole Barn Ceiling from @barndominiumfarmhousefans

The pillar is functional not only to sustain the ceiling but also to add a unique impression of the house. The pillar is a little bit sleek even when it still has a fading wood impression. Pole Barn Pillar from @barndominiumfarmhousefans
Applying Carpet
For the barndominium house, carpet is such an important thing. It will be applied in almost all rooms. The size of the carpet won’t only be a small one which is dedicated to adding beauty. But, for the bardominium house, the carpet will be used for comfort rather than for beauty.

The carpet in this living room is installed to cover almost all floor parts in this room. Even when you walk here and there, you can still feel the comfort of the rug. Living Room Carpet from @barndominiumfarmhousefans

When you commonly only have a small carpet size that will be put near the bed, but look at this one. The carpet is really wide a the space under the bed is also covered with the rug. With this, you can see how the carpet becomes something big for the barndominium house style. Bedroom Carpet from @barndominiumfarmhousefans